Parts of a Screwdriver (With Images)

You can’t imagine a woodworking project without a screwdriver. The structure of screwdrivers is simple, but in terms of performance, they are versatile. If you want to drive or loosen the screw into a wood plank, a screwdriver is the only tool to help.

When looking for the best screwdriver at your nearest store, select the right one to maximize your success. It means learning about the type of screwdriver; knowing their parts and how they work together is essential.

We will learn a lot about screwdrivers through this article. Seat tight, and don’t go anywhere until I finish this article about the parts of a screwdriver.

A Screwdriver – The Parts

A typical screwdriver is a handheld tool that depends on the effort done by the user to rotate it. However, a screwdriver has a total of 5 parts.

A Screwdriver – The Parts


The tip of a screwdriver is commonly known as the head. In this part of a screwdriver, you insert a screw or nut, which you fasten a constituent to for versatility. It is one of the essential parts of a screwdriver.

The success of your project or operation depends on the screwdriver head. Because if you don’t choose the right type of screwdriver, you have to rush toward the hardware store to elude disrobing more screw heads.

Type of the head

For basic slotted screws, you can’t avoid using a conventional screwdriver. After that, another screwdriver came named Crosshead, which is also known as a Phillips Head screwdriver.

In the market, you will find a wide range of screwdriver head types, which can be used for different purposes, starting from woodworking to upgrading consumer electronic items such as a smartphone.


I believe you don’t need a brief discussion to let you understand the handle of a screwdriver. It is a part that will allow you to hold a screwdriver.

However, the handle is made of plastic and wood to protect you from any electric shock. The plastic handles tend to be longer lasting than the wooden handles.

They are more robust, too. All old-fashioned screwdriver handles are made of wood. Nowadays, synthetic materials are used to make a screwdriver.


A ferrule is a tiny cup that holds the shank in its place steadily. It takes its position between the handle and the shank in most screwdrivers. The final thought is that screwdrivers containing a ferrule are much stronger than a screwdrivers containing precast plastic around a metal shank.


The shank is the thin rod that is placed between the tip and the handle. Many screwdriver’s shanks are made of simple metal.

There are a few screwdriver sets available that permit you to swap out the shank that is different in length. This type of screwdriver is more versatile than a conventional screwdriver.

Different types of Woodworking Screwdrivers

Different types of Woodworking Screwdrivers

As I stated earlier, various types of screwdrivers are available for woodworking jobs. Generally, these screwdrivers vary because of their size and shape.

Flat Head Screwdriver

  • This is the most common type of screwdriver, which looks pretty simple. Hence, you can call it a regular screwdriver. You can easily fit this screwdriver into a single-slot screw.
  • This screwdriver is again classified into 2 categories: flared type flat head and parallel type flat head screwdriver.
  • The flare-type screwdriver contains a wider edge head or tip than its shank size.
  • And the parallel-type screwdriver contains a similar-sized tip compared to its shank size.

Philips Screwdriver

The Philips screwdriver is also known as a cross screwdriver because it contains either a cross or a 4-star point. This screwdriver can give you more torque and force than the flathead screwdriver.

Also, this screwdriver has less chance of slipping out from your hand during an operation.

Frearson Screwdriver 

Frearson’s screwdriver is nearly similar to the Philips screwdriver as it also contains the same cross slot. But its crosses slot I but for a different.

If you look at the cross slot of a Philips screwdriver, you will find that it is U-shaped. On the other hand, the reason the screwdriver cross slot is V-shaped. Also, the cross-slot is much deeper than the Philips screwdriver.

Square Screwdriver 

The tip of a square screwdriver is significantly sharp. This screwdriver is well known for its high torque and force. However, the square screwdriver lost its appeal to its customers as it comes with fewer features than other screwdrivers.

Robertson Screwdriver 

The structure of the Robertson screwdriver is nearly similar to a square screwdriver, and due to this, many people know this screwdriver as a square screwdriver.

However, the tip of this screwdriver is a bit tapper and has rounded corners. Robertson’s screwdriver is impressively accessible in Canada. It works to minimize the damage to the wood pieces.

Torx Head Screwdriver

You may find Torx screwdriver similar to a star screw, but the difference is it has a 6-point head. Slipping out from hand is a rare case in this screwdriver. Then, a Philips screwdriver, this one provides more torque. It is highly popular in the electric, automobile, and computer industry.

Offset Screwdriver

The blade of this screwdriver is placed at the right angles, and this feature makes it a special screwdriver for others. If a straight screwdriver fails to reach out at any position, then this screwdriver shows its charismatic performance. The tip of this screwdriver is a combination of a flathead or Philips screwdriver. Some offset screwdriver contains a magnetic head.

Ratchet Screwdriver

It is also a particular type of screwdriver that has a lock and unlock feature. If you want to use the lock feature, rotate the screwdriver clockwise. On the other hand, the anti-clockwise rotation will ensure the unlock feature.

Bottom Line

The majority of parts of a screwdriver are self-explanatory. Purchasing all types of screwdrivers is unnecessary for your woodworking project.

While purchasing, you should know what kind of task you will perform using the screwdriver. The right type of screwdriver ensures the most benefit and quality work undoubtedly.