How to Use a Splitting Maul? (4 Steps with Video)

How to Use a Splitting Maul

If you don’t know how to use a splitting maul or what do you use a splitting maul for?, you may take hours after hours to finish your work throughout the winter.

Using a splitting maul, you can split large pieces of wood into small pieces and carryable pieces as well. Well, you can say, why am I not using an ax to split the wood?

Your work will be much more comfortable than before with a splitting maul because of its heavy and large head.

In this article, I will discuss the correct way of using a splitting maul.

 How to Cut Wood using a Splitting Maul?  

The firewood needs to be cut in a suitable size, but unfortunately, the majority of the time, we can’t do this. We chop firewood unevenly. A splitting maul is a handy tool that can assist you in this regard.

Step-by-Step Process

Step 01: Using the Splitting Wedge

Using the Splitting Wedge

The majority of the splitting mauls come with a 2-shaped head. One side of a splitting maul is a wedge-like sharp head, and the other side of the split maul is similar to a sledgehammer.

If you already know how to use the wedge-like sharp head, that would be best. The sharp blade of the wedge area will be effective in cutting the large logs.

Undoubtedly, wedges are made of metal so that splitting chops becomes easy. This way, without any hassle, you can hit the desired spot that you intended to hit every time.

Step 02: Splitting logs following a planned way

While splitting, did you consider the length of your fireplace?

It is essential to keep the measurement of your fireplace in your mind.

At the time of chopping wood pieces using a splitting maul, make sure the wood pieces are suitably sized for secure storage as well as firing into the fireplace.

Most fireplace accepts 16 – 20-inch wood wood-pieces without any problem. Splitting mauls can easily split smaller and shorter logs.

Make sure the end of every log is flat and square.

If you do this, the logs will stand on their own when you are splitting logs.

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Step 03: Taking Proper Safety Precautions

Proper Safety Precautions before Splitting logs

Before going to the cutting playground, you have to ensure you have worn all the safety equipment.

  • The base should be much larger than the splitting logs and 6” high. This is the place where you will put the other logs to cut. Chopping will become easy following this way, and you will put less pressure on your shoulder and body during a splitting session. You may damage your wrist if you decide to use a flat or concrete surface to chop the logs.
  • The cutting operation should happen at a safe location. Make sure no blockage is there that can come on your way. Winter is the best season to cut logs. During that time, logs remain dry, and with proper blowing, logs will split quickly.
  • When you are splitting logs using a maul, you can’t avoid wearing safety equipment. Wearing a pair of hand gloves, goggles for protecting the eyes, and an ideal pair of boots to let you stand confidently. Choose a long-handled splitting maul that is easy to control.

Step 04: Following the Appropriate Wood Splitting Technique

You can increase your splitting efficiency by following a few simple techniques. Swinging the maul indiscriminately is unnecessary. Follow the below guidelines to get more output in less time.

  • Once you have placed the wood in the base, carefully examine the log. You should look at whether the log has any cracks or not. Even if the log is too thin, don’t hesitate to give an intent look to drive the wedge through the log easily.
  • Your splitting process may differ based on the type of log or grain. Such as, oak logs contain straight grains, which means you can easily cut the oak trees into the center. For all trees, the grain is not the same, so your splitting method will change as well.
  • Once you choose a spot where you will hit the wedge, be sure your feet are gentle. To avoid hitting the wrong place, you can put a mark on the log using the blade.
  • Now, let me discuss the most critical point: hitting the blade where it should be. Stretching your arms and starting from the back of your head will not give you any benefit. Splitting logs doesn’t require strength; it needs technique. Use your non-dominant hand to grab the end portion of the splitting maul. And the bottom part of the head needs to be grabbed by your dominant hand. When you are swinging, glide the leading hand to the end of the handle on the other side. The rest will be taken care of by gravity.
  • Other tools can assist you in accomplishing the job more precisely. Let’s say you can choose the sharp end like a wedge, and to hit the sled, the blunt end can assist you. This method is highly effective when your maul gets stacked into the log. This way, your energy will be saved because pulling off will become unnecessary in this situation.
  • Using the splitting wedges will make the task much more accessible. Place a wedge along the grain and hit it hard using the sledge head of the maul. No worries if the wedge stuck deep into the log and placed another on it. Following this method, you don’t need to worry much regarding the new wedge and complete the task without any concern.

How to Split Wood | The Art of Manliness

Other Splitting Maul (FAQ)

Can you use a splitting maul to chop trees?

Yes, a splitting maul can be used to chop or fell trees, though it may not be the ideal tool for the job.  But for heavier tree cutting, an axe or hatchet is recommended for efficiency and safety. The right tool for the job makes all the difference!

Can you use a splitting maul as an axe?

While a splitting maul can function as a basic chopping axe for some tasks, an actual felling axe, carpenter’s axe, or hatchet is going to be lighter, sharper, and more efficient for intricate wood cutting and chopping.

Can you use a splitting maul to split a stump?

Splitting maul can be worth trying on fresher, uncomplicated stumps. Older and wider stumps often require other tools.

Final Thoughts

Working with a splitting maul is not a complicated task. You can work effectively if you do more practice to hit the right place. In the above, I have discussed the basics of using a splitting maul, allowing you to get the best result in the shortest possible time.