What Is A Palm Sander?

What Is A Palm Sander

Are you looking for a sanding device ideal for light work? Then palm sander is the best choice for you. A palm sander is a powered sander that you can operate using your palms comfortably.

Additionally, a palm sander is one of the best woodworking tools used in sanding finished work. Reading through this article is important for your better understanding of what is a palm sander and its efficient performance.

The device comes with a compact design and is an ideal choice for light jobs. The model is the smallest and most portable sander ever known. Furthermore, it comes with a handle that comfortably fits the user’s palms. Moreover, the model is lightweight, making it more accessible when working for prolonged hours without fatigue or sore hands.

Using a palm sander

Before using a palm sander, you need to purchase the right sander type for your sanding projects. Additionally, consider the size of the material you will be working on. The following are the uses of a palm sander:

  • Removing paint

A palm sander is commonly used for effectively removing paints from plywood. When purchasing a palm sander, opt for the model with a piercing plate. The device will punch holes through the paper helping in dust collection.

  • Sanding edges and corners

A palm sander has a compact design that enables you to sand at the corners and the edges effectively. The device will allow you to carry out your project successfully.

  • Smooth finishes

In case you are not planning to paint your furniture, you may use the palm sander to provide a smooth finish to your furniture. Additionally, keep the full disk surface on the wood area while sanding. Doing so will ensure smooth sanding action and allow the tools to power distribution over the entire sanding disk.

  • Collecting dust

Recently, most palm sanders come with peel and stick, hook and loop, ready for using sanding pads, which make paper changing easy. Additionally, the device has a detachable dust collector, which gives your sander a long life of service.

Notably, when the user is standing in a tight corner, he/she will be able to easily replace the worn tips without replacing the entire pad. Collecting dust will ensure the user’s working surface is clear of debris and dust, thus making a clean finish.

Benefits Of Using A Palm Sander


You may either use a palm sander while holding it on your hands or use the sander as a floor type. Therefore, you may use the palm sander to polish the floor or sand them down to a proper finish. Additionally, you may use the palm sander in sanding down walls, counters, and furniture. Notably, the primary size has a fair size of fitting in your hands.


A palm sander is a small and more portable power sander. Its handle fits well in the user’s palm. Due to the tool’s portability, you will be in a position to move from one place to a different one easily.

Easy to use

A palm sander is easy to use in adding a finishing touch to the materials used on it. You can easily use the palm sander to work out smooth surfaces and shapes using minimal effort. It’s essential to hold the sander straight once you begin using it.

Since a palm sander is an aggressive tool, you need to apply complete control while on your sanding projects. If you operate your sanding jobs without a palm sander at your disposal, your sanding project will take a longer period.

Costs and substance

A palm sander is applicable in both house and construction site activities. The palm sander is relatively inexpensive, making the product affordable for both beginners and professionals. However, electric sander may cost relatively high costs. A palm sander will ensure long service for your sanding projects.


Normal sanding involves a sandpaper block, or it may involve a handle and clips to which you comfortably attach the sandpaper. Therefore, a palm sander ensures that your job is done quickly. Notably, if you sand using the old-fashioned method, you will require much time, while sanding using a palm sander cuts the sanding time.

Removing residue

Some surfaces may be prone to various sorts of residue. Additionally, the residue may involve oils from surfaces around the working area. Therefore, a palm sander is applicable in removing the residue from your working surface area.

How Does A Palm Sander Operate?

A palm sander is a powerful tool that requires frequent switching of the user’s paper and manual movement. When using a palm sander, pick the right sandpaper for your project.

You may begin your job with a gift, and after some time, you clamp a finer paper. In case the surface is very rough, start your job with coarse paper. Alternatively, if the material has a decent shape and you want to obtain an extra-smooth finish, begin with finer paper.

When beginning to sand, place your palm sander on the working surface and move the sander along the surface. You need to ensure that you are moving forth and back with the Sanders direction and moving along the wood grain. Note that, by going opposite grain Knicks, the surface will create a splinter that defeats the point you are sanding.

Thanks to Better Homes and Gardens for this wonderful video.

How to Use a Palm Sander

Final Verdict

Using a palm sander is a straightforward exercise that will allow you to obtain even results quickly. By understanding the palm sander’s operational process, you may take full advantage of its uses. A palm sander is a sanding tool that will provide a shiny appearance to your working projects. The model is ideal for light jobs, including smoothing woodwork finish.

The tool is the best choice when working on small furniture jobs that don’t require painting. Moreover, the device will work best when sanding the corners and edges of your detailed product surface.

Since all the operations occur on your hands, the sander will ensure your projects’ smooth operation. Therefore, you may visit our websites and discover more details on what is a palm sander to run your projects smoothly.